
I invite you to join me on this journey. To begin, let me introduce myself: I am 43 and have wanted to travel for a very long time, but have not found the opportunity or means to do so. Life continues on and I grow older as the increasing drive for this 'mission' pushes me towards my place in this world. I find that with life going on as it does we all miss out on what we really want to do because it never leaves the day-dream phase. And this is what the mission is about ... catching a dream and helping others grab hold of theirs.

I believe that our world is losing its Self. It loses meaning every day while work, family, and the demands of society wear us down into people we did not intend to become. I want to break free of these demands and help others escape the slump they find themselves in - depressed, stressed, over-worked and feeling hopeless with what Life has given them.

We have forgotten how to be human and awake.

The Goal 2010 - 2015

To say there is only one goal is to be incomplete. Certainly, the main goal within this time period is to prepare for living on the road so as to make it as smooth as possible once I head out. But I am not content with simply stepping out and letting Chance have all the fun. I have things that I need: information, skills, supplies, and money. This is where you can chose to pitch in and help.

I am already looking for information about hiking trails and supplies, skills that will be useful for hunting and gathering so that I don't blow all the money on food within a year of setting out. Also, this page allows people to donate to my ultimate cause (this is posted under "The Mission - Beyond 2015).

I truly hope to make a difference in the world, and would be grateful for any donations or information during this phase. I am also open to people who are already out on the road to contact me and begin a network, visit me for a safe place to stay and company (I'm sure my roommates wouldn't mind a visitor for a couple of days).


The Mission - Beyond 2015

* To revitalize the beauty of being human - one open and willing person at a time: People are more open and willing than they think they are. Once they realize what they need and who they are, how to be a stronger individual, they bloom into a natural force. This force moves on to help other people and individual strength turns into unity.
* To teach universal rights, values, and needs: By "Universal" it is meant that each person; no matter their culture, nation, upbringing, race, sex, financial status, or whatever else there is; shares common ideals and needs. Such as the need to be loved no matter who they are, or the right to speak when they feel something goes against what they believe.
* To help awaken people to who they truly need to be for themselves: People are caught up with money and employment at the cost of what really matters - their personal well-being and the well-being of those they love. Our mind set needs to remember that money is temporary and unreliable. But we are reliable, our friends and family are reliable and help us when we are in need. Money does not satisfactorily fulfill our universal needs.
* To give people their power back: Psionics is not the answer for everyone, but it is an answer that everyone can use if they chose to. It will open us back up to realizing there is more to the world than what we see and put our efforts into.
