Psionics is the ability to affect
the Self, the environment, and other people by using energy, focus, and intent. It does not require paraphernalia or “magical items”, though if a practitioner wishes to use physical materials to focus energy they are able to. “Psionics” is an umbrella term to describe abilities such as empathy (ability to feel what others are feeling emotionally and/or physically), creating energy shields to fend off the invasive energy of another, being able to psychically see or touch a person at range, psychically healing others at range or with touch (Reiki would fall into this category). Skills and abilities are restricted only by the limitations the practitioner places upon themselves due to emotional maturity, their own rules of ethics and values, and confidence in themselves.

What is interesting about psionics is thatoccurs in many forms. One can us it as their religion, in rituals or to add energy to a spell. Some people use it to persuade or affect many people at once (charisma). People who are sensitive are able to feel when someone is ‘different’, essentially more potent with their energy presence. Psionics is used by itself successfully to cause people to react in certain ways or change events. For instance, if someone is angry and starting to become violently aggressive, one can calm them down using psionics so that nothing unpleasant happens. Within one’s home, a person can change how the energy feels around them so as to cause the sense of ease and peacefulness in a specific room.

Psionics is learned easily depending on one’s openness to explore it. However, it does not always advance at a pace we would like it to. For beginners the main problem is feeling energy in the first place. Seconded only by the lack of confidence that they can do anything at all. Both of these are due to not having enough practice or experience and can be remedied. Energy work (another name for psionics) is more about being exposed to energy, being open to feeling it, and gaining experience from it.In general, beginners expect immediately to see something tangible rather than feel the changes going on around them. For example they do not take into account sudden temperature changes or air pressure as being part of feeling a psionics practitioner’s focus on them. Some even expect to SEE a psi-ball as some mystical blue orb and get discouraged when they do not. They expect to physically see energy work, and occasionally it is seen. But in almost all cases it is the effect that is noticed instead.

What makes psionics work are focus, visualization, intent, and skill. Through simple meditation focus and visualization can be achieved. Intent depends on your desire to make things happen and the effort you place into that desire. Intent is usually supported by emotions, which is alright as long as emotions are kept in check and they do not consume you. The more you are exposed to energy work the more you learn, and this brings you skill and know-how. Without skill, you may have all the potency in the world but not know how best to use it.

As one begins to explore psionics, they want to be sure they’re doing it ‘right’. The pit-fall that many find themselves in is that they assume something is wrong if they perceive an instance differently than someone else.It is good to keep in mind that we all perceive the same event differently, and this is ok. It is the interpretation of what we see that is important. Because each of us have had different experiences in life and no two brains work the same, it is impossible to see things the same as someone else. There are skills that allow us to form shapes and scents that are common which allow for a common perception, however. Take a student that makes a psi-ball and puts the image of a blue butterfly in it. They send it to the person receiving it and that person also sees a blue butterfly. This is relatively easy to do and helps validate to the student they are getting the basic idea. Working with a partner is recommended with practice in order to get used to new ideas and concepts.

The most important thing a beginning psionics practitioner must learn is to trust their gut. Pay attention to it when something doesn’t feel right. What is it telling you about a person – are they trustworthy, or are their intentions not to your best interest? Is the situation you’re in as big as you make it out to be, or is it simply  your emotions getting to you? Trusting your Self is the key that makes everything work.

If you have any questions or wish to share your experiences, please contact me at [email protected]

Lady D’Los

Suggested Links:

http://hubpages.com/hub/Basics-of-Psionics : Good article introducing what psionics is, including a couple basic techniques.

http://shiftedperspectives.net.....?section=1 : A very good selection of articles covering the dangers of psionics, fluffy bunnies, basics, uses, and what to prepare for on the road of Energy Working. I highly recommend this site.

http://www.rhine.org/ : Rhine Institute is a long standing organization that has studied parapsychology since 1960’s. On this sight are links to professional journals covering parapsychology, research articles, popular topics of interest, and a few other things.

: Good collection of videos on YouTube regarding energy working and empathy